jeudi 3 juillet 2008


In the early 20th century, scientists discovered something new: that matter was not as we had imagined it to be. Matter was not solid. Matter had no colors. It gave off no smells, sounds or image. Matter was simply energy. The chair you sit in, the table you lean on, the house you live in, your parrots, the people around you, buildings—in short, the whole material world exists as a form of energy.

In the face of this unexpected discovery, all philosophies constructed on the basis of matter therefore suffered a scientific collapse. Science revealed the proof of something inside the human body but not belonging to it, something that perceived the entire physical world, but was not itself physical: the human soul.

The soul could not be explained in any way in terms of materialist claims. Darwinism, which produced countless fictitious tales regarding the imaginary evolution of species, remained silent in the face of the existence of the soul. Because the soul was not matter, it was a metaphysical concept. And metaphysics was something that materialists were completely unable to accept. Metaphysics submitted evidence of a conscious creation, in other words, of the existence of Allah.

İ think as a very reasonable person you understand that it is your soul that rejoices, thinks, decides, judges, experiences joy and excitement, loves, shows compassion, gets anxious, enjoys the taste of a cake, takes pleasure from listening to music.....

If we are possessed of souls, we cannot have been created haphazardly. There is a purpose behind our presence in this world. All people bear a soul that belongs to Allah and are being tested in this lifetime, after which they will be held responsible for all their thoughts and deeds. There is no randomness or aimlessness in life. There are no chance events, as Darwinists maintain. Everything has been created by the will of Allah to become part of the tests to which we are subjected. In this life, which will end in death, the only thing that will be left behind is the body. The soul, on the other hand, will live for all eternity in the Hereafter, which is its true abode.

These are great glad tidings for anyone who realizes he or she has a soul and is able to appreciate its Creator.

Contemplate over the subject of soul and conscience.Our two very specific features wich make us human being. İ will mention about the conscience after.But can you see the unbelievable fact that inside us there is a voice throughout our life is telling us only the right choice.This is enough.....İnside you there is something wich can distinguishe what is wrong or true instantly and definitely.And this knowledge has nothing to do with age or experiences.On the contrary in childhood it s very keen... and while getting ages because of clash of worldly interest people ignore the voice of their conscience and this miraculous ability becomes blunt in time. The answer the question "Who has instructed our souls at the very beginning" is very obvious actually..... Allah, Who has created us out of nothing...

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